The Nursing Program is designed to prepare graduates to practice as a registered nurse once licensure requirements are met. The Associate Degree Nursing Program prepares students for professional nursing practice while providing a knowledge base for career mobility and further academic study. The program is committed to providing accessible, high-quality nursing education to meet diverse and changing healthcare needs of individuals of all ages in a variety of healthcare settings. The curriculum emerges from the seven core values identified by the National League of Nursing: caring, diversity, ethics, integrity, patient-centeredness, excellence, and holism.
Accelerated Nursing Program Option Application
This application period is now closed.
If you would like more information about our next cohort fill out the form at the link below.
Allied Health and Traditional Nursing Programs Application
This application period is now closed.
Southern accepts new students for the Allied Health and Nursing Programs once each year for the fall semester. Applications are available October through February prior to the next fall admission cycle.
Proctored and administered by ATI Nursing, the TEAS at ATI is being used by Southern WV Community and Technical College’s Nursing program. It is a secure, online testing solution to assess students’ academic preparedness.
Students will register through ATI’s online registration system for TEAS at ATI. The remote proctored and in-person versions of the exam consist of the same content. -> click “student” -> click “TEAS” -> Scroll to bottom of page and click “START REGISTRATION”
You will register to take the TEAS at ATI online exam using ATI remote proctors.
You do not have to name an institution.
ATI offers TEAS at ATI exams multiple times a day, nearly every day of the week.
Following registration, TEAS at ATI test-takers will receive testing information and details from ATI Communications.
On test day, students will follow proper instructions to access their secure exam.
Dedicated support is available to assist students with questions prior to, during and following the exam.
The TEAS at ATI is monitored by dedicated and trained ATI proctors, who are supported by the Proctorio secure proctoring platform.
Following the exam, students can request ATI, for a fee, submit their test score to their institution of choice. To send to Southern —-Southern WV Community & Technical College, Logan or Mount Gay, WV 25601 or 25637. We will accept a copy of your scores from your ATI account sent by you via email with your application.
US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), September 2020 states employment of registered nurses is projected to grow 7 percent from 2019 to 2029, faster than the average for all occupations. Growth will occur for a number of reasons, including an increased emphasis on preventive care; increasing rates of chronic conditions, such as diabetes and obesity; and demand for healthcare services from the baby-boom population, as this group leads longer and more active lives.
July 1, 2020, the U.S. Department of Education implemented regulations (Regulation 34 CFR 668.43 (a) (5) (v)) which requires Southern WV Community and Technical College’s Associate Degree Nursing Program to provide a list of all states/jurisdictions where the institution’s curriculum meets state educational requirements for professional licensure or certification.
Please go to the National Council of States Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) website to look up each state’s initial licensure educational requirements:
This information is only for initial licensure by exam requirements for the state listed. Students should contact the nursing director at Southern WV Community College to investigate licensure educational requirements if they plan to apply for initial licensing in another state other than WV.
Campus Location: The full Nursing Program is available on the Logan campus.
The Associate nursing program at Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College at the Logan campus located in Mount Gay, WV is accredited by the:
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) 3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975-5000
The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Associate nursing program is Continuing Accreditation
The Associate nursing program at Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College at the Logan campus located in Mount Gay, WV is approved by the:
West Virginia Board of Examiners for Registered Professional Nurses
5001 MacCorkle Ave, S.W.
South Charleston, WV 25309
Phone: 304-744-0900
Fax: (304) 744-0600
Traditional and Accelerated Weekend Option Program Application Requirements
Applicant must apply for admission to Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College if not currently enrolled.
Applicant must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 in all previous college-level courses. If no college courses have been taken, the high school GPA or equivalent will be considered.
Applicant must take the ATI TEAS pre-entrance exam and achieve a score of 60% or higher and attach ATI TEAS results to the application. Cost of the exam is the responsibility of the student.
Applicant must attach transcripts from all colleges/universities attended. These can be unofficial until applicant is accepted into the program when they must order official.
Applicants who have not taken college-level courses must attach high school or equivalent transcript.
Applicant must have English language proficiency.
Applicant must be eligible to enter college-level English and Math. Applicant can use SAT, ACT or Accuplacer to satisfy this requirement (SEE TABLES BELOW).
Students at Southern may enroll in a college-level, credit-bearing math course without required academic support programs provided the following cut scores have been met:
Placement in Math
Assessment Test
Quantitative Reasoning
Elementary Statistics
College Algebra
SAT Math (taken March 2016 and later)
ACT Math
Next-Generation ACCUPLACER – Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics (QAS)
ACCUPLACER – Elementary Algebra
ACCUPLACER – college-level math
ACCUPLACER – arithmetic test
Students at Southern may enroll in a college-level, credit-bearing English course without required academic support programs provided the following cut scores have been met in English composition and reading:
Placement in English
Assessment Test
English Composition
SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (taken March 2016 and later)
SAT Essay
13 (combined score)
SAT Reading
ACT English
ACT Reading
Next-Generation ACCUPLACER – Writing
Next-Generation ACCUPLACER – Reading
Southern accepts new nursing students for the traditional option of the nursing program, one time per year for the fall semester. Applications are available October through February prior to the next fall admission cycle. Please refer to the current traditional nursing application for exact dates.
Southern accepts new nursing students for the weekend accelerated option one time per year for the spring semester. Applications are available July through September prior to the next spring admission cycle. Please refer to the current weekend accelerated nursing application for exact dates. PLEASE NOTE THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE WEEKEND ACCLERATED OPTION OF THE PROGRAM ARE DIFFERENT.
Non-Traditional Accelerated Weekend Registered Nursing Program
16 months – 4 continuous semesters – Spring, Summer, Fall, and Spring. In seat classes and clinical rotations will be held every other weekend on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
This program is geared toward applicants that are experienced learners. You must be a licensed LPN or have a minimum of an associate degree from Allied Health programs such as Medical Assisting, Medical Laboratory Technology, Paramedic Science, Radiologic Technology, Respiratory Care Technology, and Surgical Technologist and have a current license. We will also accept applicants with an unrelated Bachelor’s degree and/or Master’s degree.
Applicants must also meet the previously mentioned program application requirements.
Application Deadline
September 6, 2024
If you would like more information about our next cohort fill out the form at the link below.
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