Board of Governors
Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College is a public institution of higher education independently accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and a member of the Community and Technical College System of West Virginia. The Community and Technical College System is under the direction of the Council for Community and Technical College Education. This system provides for each member institution to have a local Board of Governors with the Council serving as policy and coordinating board.
The Southern West Virginia Community and Technical Board of Governors consists of nine lay members, appointed by the Governor of West Virginia, one full-time faculty member with the rank of instructor or above, one classified staff member, and one student representative elected by the respective constituent group.
With this site, you can learn about the Board of Governors as a whole and meet its current members. One of the most important features of our site is our Meeting Schedule and Agenda section. You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print the documents posted. We hope that you find this site informative.
For inquiries, please contact Jennifer Dove, Executive Assistant to the President and Board of Governors
V: 304.896.7402 | F: 304.792.7046
Official Notice of Public Meetings
The Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College Board of Governors meeting will be held at Logan Campus, Building C, room C-428 and will conduct a business meeting in person on Wednesday, March 19th, 2025, beginning at 6:00 p.m. This meeting is open to the public.
This is a regular scheduled Board of Governors meeting. The agenda will be available three days prior to the meeting at, by email to or by calling 304-896-7402.
Board Members
2024-2025 Lay Board Members
- Ms. Sydney Brown
- Mr. Jarrod Fletcher
- Mr. David Gresham
- Dr. David Lemmon
- Mr. Brent Tomblin
- Dr. Cody Reynolds
- Ms. Mary Phipps
2024-2025 Institutional Board Member Representatives
- Mr. Chris Gray, Classified Staff Representative
- Mr. Chris Ward, Faculty Representative
- Ms. Kristi Perkins, Student Representative
Meeting Schedule and Agenda
2024-2025 Meeting Schedule
Meetings for Southern’s Board of Governors for the 2024-2025 academic year are as follows. Please click on the linked date to access the next or most recent meeting information (PDF). Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to read the agenda packet information. Click here to download a free version of Adobe Reader.
All Board of Governors business meetings begin at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise indicated.
Meeting Date | Location | Agenda | Minutes |
August 20, 2024 | Executive Conference Center Room 428, Logan Campus, Building C and Via Zoom ** |
Agenda | Minutes |
October 15, 2024 | Executive Conference Center Room 428, Logan Campus, Building C and Via Zoom ** |
Agenda | Minutes |
November 21, 2024 | Executive Conference Center Room 428, Logan Campus, Building C and Via Zoom ** |
Agenda | Minutes |
December 17, 2024 | Executive Conference Center Room 428, Logan Campus, Building C and Via Zoom ** |
Agenda | Minutes |
January 14, 2025 | Executive Conference Center Room 428, Logan Campus, Building C and Via Zoom ** |
Agenda | Minutes |
March 6, 2025 | Executive Conference Center Room 428, Logan Campus, Building C and Via Zoom ** |
Agenda | Minutes |
March 19, 2025 Special Board Meeting |
Executive Conference Center Room 111, Logan Campus, Building A and Via Zoom ** |
Agenda | Minutes |
April 15, 2025 Board of Governors Annual Retreat |
TBD**** | Agenda | Minutes |
June 17, 2025 | Executive Conference Center Room 428, Logan Campus, Building C and Via Zoom ** |
Agenda | Minutes |
2024-2025 Board of Governors Meeting Calendar
*Additional meetings may be necessary for emergency or time-sensitive issues.
**Meetings will be held in person; however, a Zoom link will be provided should remote attendance be necessary. All meetings
will be noticed in accordance with the requirements of the West Virginia Governmental Open Meetings Act and the rules
by the Board of Governors in compliance with the Act.
*** Changes to Business Meeting Locations will be shared as soon as possible.
***Retreat Meeting Location will be shared as soon as possible.
Board Member Expectations
Responsibility / Authority
The affairs of Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College will be managed by its Board of Governors, which shall have full authority to take such actions as it deems necessary or appropriate to accomplish the purpose for which the Board has been formed.
Expectations of All Board Members
- To prepare for and attend at least five (5) Board meetings each year.
- To attend at least 75% of the meetings of assigned committees.
- To develop and ensure fulfillment of the mission of Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College.
- To establish needed policy and plans for guidance of Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College.
- To ensure compliance with federal, state, and local laws.
- To establish and ensure compliance with a code of ethics and standards of conduct governing the actions of the Board and staff.
- To protect against conflict of interest in the business affairs of Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College.
- To review and approve annual budgets, monitor performance, and dictate changes required to operate within the approved budget.
- To accept responsibility for assuring that Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College has sufficient financial resources to accomplish its mission, including but not limited to personal financial support of the Vision 2020 Major Gifts Campaign.
- To serve as an advocate, champion and representative of Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College in the community.
- To provide feedback and input to the Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College as to community attitudes, comments, questions, and suggestions.
- [for Board members that reside within the College service district] To attend at least one Southern event or activity each year.
- [for Board members who reside outside of the College service district] To identify or establish at least one opportunity each year for staff and representatives of the College to make presentations to or otherwise interact with members of the community where the board member resides, thereby promoting the mission of the College.
- As overseers of a public trust, each board member has an obligation to remain open to input from external stakeholders to help ensure that Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College is responsive to state and community needs. However, as members of a board consisting of independent men and women acting together to be fully informed and impartial in their policy determinations, each must recognize that in the end, his/her decision must rise above any external pressures being applied to the Board’s work.
Expectations of Board Members 2021-2023
Approved by Board of Governors 12/14/2021
Delegation of Powers
Official Statement
West Virginia Code 18B-2A-4 sets forth powers, duties, and responsibilities of the Board of Governors of each public higher education institution in the state. This document enumerates those powers, duties and responsibilities that the Board of Governors of Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College wishes to retain for itself and those that it chooses to delegate to the President of the College. Given its legal responsibility for the institution, the Board of Governors maintains control of all broad institutional policy. The powers, duties and responsibilities that are delegated to the President represent the day-to-day operation of the institution and reflect the implementation of policy.
Powers and Duties Retained
The Board of Governors of Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College retains the following powers and duties:
- Determine, control, supervise and manage the financial, business and education policies of Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College.
- Establish and amend campus Master Plan for the college including an Institutional Compact.
- Prescribe specific functions for the college to meet the higher education needs of the service are without Unnecessary duplication.
- Develop and submit a budget for the college to the West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education (Council).
- Review all academic programs at least every five years.
- Ensure the sequencing of academic programs to ensure program completion in a reasonable time frame and to assure that the needs of non-traditional students are met.
- Utilize faculty, students and classified staff in institutional level planning.
- Administer a system for the management of personnel matters.
- Administer a system for the hearing of employee grievances.
- Solicit, utilize or expend voluntary support including financial contributions.
- Appoint a President, with Council approval, or other administrative head of the College.
- Conduct a written performance appraisal of the President consistent with state code and rules.
- Submit an annual report to the Council on the performance of the College.
- Enter into contracts or agreements with other educational institutions and share resources.
- Delegate power and control to the College President.
- Abide by the existing rules for acceptance of advance placement credit.
- Establish an efficient system for the financial management and expenditure of special revenue and appropriated state funds.
- Establish a plan to administer a consistent method of conducting personnel transactions.
- Transfer funds for any account appropriated for the college’s use.
- Acquire legal services.
Duties and Responsibilities Delegated
The Board of Governors chooses to delegate the following duties and responsibilities to the President of the College. The duties and responsibilities enumerated below are delegated to the President until further notice and unless revoked by official action of the Board of Governors.
- Supervising and managing the financial, business, and education policies and affairs of the institution.
- Developing a Master Plan and Institutional Compact.
- Updating and meeting goals of the Master Plan and Institutional Compact.
- Directing the preparation of budget requests for submission to the West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education.
- Reviewing at least every five years, all academic programs at the institution and addressing the viability, adequacy, and necessity of each program in relation to the Master Plan and Compact.
- Utilizing faculty, students and classified employees in planning and decision-making when those groups are affected.
- Administering management of a personnel system, consistent with Council rules, including classification, compensation, and discipline.
- Soliciting and utilizing or expending voluntary support.
- Entering into contracts on behalf of the institution.
- Purchasing or acquiring all materials, supplies, equipment, and printing required.
- Preparation by November 1 of each year an annual report on the institution’s performance in relation to the Master Plan and Compact.
- Maintaining and updating a consistent method of conducting personnel transactions, in consultation with the Chancellor.
- Acquiring legal services as needed, in consultation with the Board of Governors.
- Granting tenure, promotion, and sabbatical leaves, except when requested by the President.
- Hearing student appeals when appropriate.
- Granting tuition and fee waivers.
In addition to exercising the above delegated authority, the Board of Governors expects that the President:
- Shall continue to bring to the Board of Governors all matters required by statute or policy.
- Shall continue to advise the Board of Governors of all matters not specifically required by law but which as a matter of sound judgement practice should be brought to the Board’s attention.
- Shall continue to provide appropriate notices of public meetings and provide such other support as may be necessary for planning and for the successful operations of the Board.
- Shall work with the Board of Governors in the development of the president’s annual goals, the development and review of the president’s goals and objectives and other similar presidential personnel matters shall be in addition to those formal performance evaluation processes set in statute or policy.
In implementing these responsibilities, the President delegates to major administrators specific authority for the management of the administrative functions of the College. Each senior administrator serves as the chief advisor to the President in matters of policy for the functions and units assigned.
Approved by the Board of Governors, September 12, 2002
Opportunity for Comment
Request to Address the Board
The Board of Governors welcomes comments from students, faculty, staff, campus organizations and other members of the college community and general public on matters before the Board. If you would like to address the Board, please click here.
West Virginia Code, Chapter 18B-2A, Institutional Board of Governors
West Virginia Code, Chapter 18B-2A, Institutional Boards of Governors