Library Services
Through the Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College Logan Campus (Harless) and Williamson Campus libraries, students and community patrons have access to more than 60,000 books, more than 400 periodicals (in hard copy and on microfilm), plus hundreds of on-line periodicals. The facilities house approximately 12,000 reels of microfilm and 6,000 audiovisual titles. Students and community patrons also have access to 42 computers.
About our Libraries
Our Mission
Through the Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College Logan Campus (Harless) and Williamson Campus libraries, students and community patrons have access to more than 60,000 books, more than 400 periodicals (in hard copy and on microfilm), plus hundreds of on-line periodicals. The facilities house approximately 12,000 reels of microfilm and 6,000 audiovisual titles. Students and community patrons also have access to 42 computers.
Southern is a member of the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC), a bibliographic network which provides access to on-line cataloging and interlibrary loans for libraries.
Southern has two libraries: Williamson Campus Library and Harless Library (Logan Campus). Students have access to more than 60,000 books classified according to the Library of Congress Classification System.
Reference collections are available at Boone/Lincoln and Wyoming/McDowell campuses.
Students and the public have access to 42 personal computers in Southern libraries.
Logan Campus (Harless) 304.896.7378
Southern’s Logan Campus Harless Library houses the West Virginia collection of books and materials on the Appalachian area. This collection includes local history and genealogical materials, National Archive Census tapes for all counties in West Virginia, and Logan Banner on microfilm.
Williamson Campus 304.236.7616
The Williamson Campus library is home to the Appalachian Collection, and is the repository for the State of West Virginia government publications.
The Appalachian Collection holds 2,213 books, periodicals and audiovisuals pertaining to Appalachia. This collection includes local history and genealogical materials, National Archive Census tapes for Mingo County in West Virginia and Pike County in Kentucky to 1920, and microfilm of Williamson area newspapers from 1911-1920 and from 1935 to September 2000; 2005.
Library hours are subject to change based on the academic calendar and the holiday schedule of the College. Patrons should call during inclement weather or before traveling long distances to confirm library hours.
Logan Library Hours
Monday – Thursday
7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Williamson Library Hours
Monday – Thursday
7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Libraries are closed on Saturday and Sunday.
Logan Campus (Harless) 304.896.7378
Kimberly Maynard, Director of Libraries II 304.896.7345
Cassandra Goble, Library Technical Assistant I 304.896.7373
Williamson Campus 304.236.7616
Anita Messer, Library Technical Assistant II 304.236.7638
Southern students and other members of the community may check out library materials upon issuance of a library card. Non-students must present a photo identification such as a driver’s license to receive a card. Children fourteen and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to check-out library materials.
Loan Period
Magazines, newspapers, reference materials, microfilms, etc. may not be checked-out. Books and audiovisual material circulate for two-week periods and may be renewed two times unless requested by another patron. No materials will be renewed by phone. Check-out is limited to four books at any given time.
Overdues, Fines, and Lost Books
Students who have outstanding fines or who owe for lost or damaged library materials must pay all amounts outstanding before being allowed to register, receive grades or transcripts. Community patrons who have overdue materials or outstanding accounts will not be permitted to check out additional materials until accounts are paid in full. Lost book replacement charges are the cost of the book plus a ten-dollar processing fee. Book fines are five-cents per day per item; overdue fines on reserved material are fifty-cents PER HOUR per item.
Patrons may make copies (for personal use only) within fair-use guidelines of copyright law. Copies are twenty-cents per page. At the Williamson campus a microfilm reader-printer is available for making copies from microfilm. The cost for this service is twenty-five cents per copy. Computer printouts are five-cents per page.
InterLibrary Loan Service
Students and community patrons needing books or magazine articles not available in Southern’s library system may request those items from other libraries via the interlibrary loan service. Request forms are available at the front desk. Any fees charged by the lending library will be the responsibility of the patron. Please allow ten days to two weeks for receipt of loans.
Reserved Materials
Instructors may place materials on reserve for student use in the library. Reserve materials are for two-hour use in the library only, unless the instructor requests overnight check-out. Fines for overdue reserve materials are fifty-cents PER HOUR per item.
Audiovisual Aids
Audiovisual aids (televisions, DVD players, etc.) are available for use in the libraries, and for viewing audiovisual materials placed on reserve by instructors.
Kurzweil Readers, accessible carrels and computer programs, audio recordings, and a large selection of large-print books and are available in both libraries.
Newspapers on Microfilm
Logan Banner
Williamson Daily News
1911-1920; 1935-Sept. 2000; 2005
Special Collections
Appalachian Collection
Located in the Williamson Campus Library: 2,213 books, periodicals and audiovisuals pertaining to Appalachia. Includes local history, genealogical materials, National Archive Census tapes for Mingo County, WV and Pike County, KY to 1920. Microfilm of Williamson newspapers from 1911-1920 plus 1935- September 2000; 2005.
Children’s Collection
(Both libraries have a Children’s Collection that holds more than 4,000 children’s books, including Caldecott and Newbery and other award winning titles. This collection is used by students in Children/Adolescent Literature classes, the local community schools and recreational reading by all patrons.
West Virginia Collection
Located in the Harless Library: More than 2,100 books and materials on the Appalachian area. Includes local history and genealogical materials, National Archive Census tapes for all counties in West Virginia and also the Logan Banner on microfilm.
West Virginia Depository
The Williamson Campus Library is also a depository for West Virginia state government publications.
Social Media
Visit our Southern Libraries’ Facebook page here!
Feature coming soon.
Library Services
- InterLibrary Loan
- Print/Copy/Scan
- Request a Book
- Reserve a Room
- Student and Employee ID
The libraries at Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College offer a variety of databases which allow students and community patrons to search for reference materials.
Card Catalog
Visit Southern’s On-line Library Catalog
How to Cite Sources
Library Help
Ask a Librarian
Evaluating Sources
Visit Infobase for more information.