UMWA Local 1440 Donates to Ireland/Scotland Trip for Southern Students

Members of UMWA Local 1440 have donated $500 to support a student trip to Ireland/Scotland for students of Southern WV Community & Technical College that is scheduled for the spring.
(Logan, WV) Southern WV Community & Technical College is organizing a study abroad trip for a group of students to Ireland and Scotland in May 2025, where they will earn college credit.
A dozen students from Southern have signed up for the trip, which costs $4,500 per student. To help cover the expenses, the college is receiving donations and fundraising support.
Several college-sponsored events, including a holiday bake sale and a fall softball tournament at Whitman, have already been held to raise funds. Recently, United Mine Workers Local 1440 made a $500 donation towards the trip.
Dr. Charles Keeny emphasizes the trip’s significance, stating, “No other region has had a stronger influence on the culture of Appalachia than Scotland and Ireland.” He continues, “Many of our students have Scottish and Irish roots, and this trip will allow them to connect with their ancestry by immersing themselves in Celtic culture and history.
Southern is excited to provide this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our students in the coalfields, but we need community support to make the trip a reality.” Keeney adds, “UMWA Local 1440 in Matewan understands that our students come from underprivileged communities and graciously contributed to help. We hope other local businesses and organizations will follow their example.