Disability Services

Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College is proud to offer students with disabilities the support they deserve when pursuing an education such as:
- Providing a barrier-free environment: reasonable educational accommodations, advocacy for accessible learning environment and promotion of self-advocacy and responsibility on the part of the students we serve
- Services to students with:
- Deaf/hearing impairments
- Learning impairments
- Mobility/physical impairments
- Visual impairments
- Other disabilities
- Equal access to all college programs, services, and activities
Services are available for all students with documented disabilities, whether full or part-time. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate contact with the Office of Disability Services and submit appropriate documentation of the disability. Documentation must include:
- The nature of the disability
- The functional limitations of the disability imposes
- The need for specific accommodations
Requested accommodations cannot fundamentally alter the aspects of the program or coursework.
Requesting Accommodations
- Student will initiate/self-identify to the office of disability services at Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College as having a disability
- Provide appropriate documentation to the office of disability services
- The office of disability services will notify the student’s instructors in writing of the accommodations request the student is entitled to receive.
Download Disability Services Application
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Documentation Standards
Documentation should include:
- Documentation from a physician or mental health care provider must be typed on letterhead and include the doctor’s signature.
- Documentation can be no older than three years old.
- Documentation must verify the following:
- The nature of the disability
- The functional limitations the disability imposes
- The need for specific accommodations
To be eligible for disability-related services, students must have a visibly obvious or documented disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and/or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Services are available for all students with documented disabilities, whether full or part-time. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate contact with Disability Services and submit appropriate documentation of the disability.
Disability Services is the designated office at Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College that obtains and files disability-related documents, certifies eligibility for services, determines reasonable accommodations, and makes the provision for accommodations.
Common Accommodations
Examples of accommodations include, but not limited to:
- Extended Time on Tests and Quizzes
- Recording of Class Lectures
- Priority Seating
- Note Taking
- Testing in Quiet Setting
- Interpreter
- Temporary Accommodations
- Test Reader
- Test Writer
- Auxiliary Aids
- FM Hearing System
- Voice Recorder
- Magnifier
Accommodation Procedure
Student Responsibility
- Self-Identify with the Office of Disability
- Provide current documentation, no older than 3 years old
- Meet with each of your faculty and discuss accommodation needs
- Check in with Office of Disability Services at least once a semester for updates on your progress
- Request accommodations each semester upon returning
Office of Disability Services
- Meet with student on his/her home campus by appointment
- Review career goals
- Review documentation
- Discuss appropriate and reasonable accommodations
- Complete letter of accommodation request and other forms
- Meet with faculty as needed
Faculty Responsibility
- Sign off and return letters of accommodation to the ODS
- Meet with DS student throughout semester for student progress review
- Complete test proctoring form and submit to ODS for student services to proctor any testing
- Communicate with the ODS on any issues concerning letters of accommodation request and reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities.
Advocate for Persons with Disabilities
Disability Services educates the college community about accessibility services available to students with disabilities. Furthermore, Disability Services works with all campus constituents to ensure reasonable accommodations for students who qualify.
Contact Information
Location: Logan Campus, Student Services, Room 131B
Office Hours: 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday through Wednesday | 7:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Thursday
Phone: 304.896.7315
Fax: 304.792.7113
TTY: 304.792.7054