Information and resources regarding SWVCTC and the COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Student Services

We help people improve their lives through education.

Contact us via SSConnect to speak with a live representative Monday through Thursday between 9 AM and 5 PM.

Adult Services Program

Are You…

  • 25 or older?
  • Thinking about entering college but just don’t know where to begin?
  • A military veteran?
  • Thinking you’ve been out of school too long?
  • Thinking you can’t afford to go to college?

The Adult Services program is designed to provide supportive assistance to individuals 25 years of age and older. Student Services Specialists are available in the student services office on each campus to help students learn about every aspect of student success.

Services Available

  • Career Counseling and Academic Advising
  • Adult New Student Orientation
  • Registration
  • Testing
  • Tutoring
  • Financial Assistance Consideration
  • Workshops
  • Assistance with overcoming barriers unique to adult students
  • Explore career, academic and life management issues

Helpful Links


Dianna Toler: 304-896-7315

Disability Services

Disability Services educates the college community about accessibility services available to students with disabilities. Furthermore, Disability Services works with all campus constituents to ensure reasonable accommodations for students who qualify. 

Download Disability Services Application


  1. To coordinate and provide reasonable accommodations and disability related services; 
  2. To encourage self-advocacy and personal responsibility on the part of students with disabilities; 
  3. To advocate for an accessible learning environment through removal of physical, informational, and attitudinal barriers; and 
  4. To serve as a resource for members of the college community as well as prospective students and parents. 
  5. To assist the College to comply with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. 

Find more information on our Disability Services Page.

Student Advising

Academic advising at Southern is a joint effort between the student, the faculty advisor, and the Student Success Advisor.  All students must meet with an advisor prior to creating a class schedule.  First-year students are students who have earned less than 30 credit hours.  First year students and transfer students must meet with a Student Success Advisor.  All other students must meet with a Faculty Advisor.  The Student Success Advisor, located on each campus, assists in placement testing, developing educational goals and career paths, and the registration process.

When to contact a Student Success Advisor

  • Any time there is a change in class schedule, such as dropping or withdrawing from a class
  • Prior to changing a major
  • Concerning an unsatisfactory grade or performance in a class
  • The semester before graduation
  • When life situations repeatedly interfere with academic performance
  • If students do not know who their faculty advisor is

Prior to being advised by a Student Success Advisor, a student should confirm that the Records’ Office has all necessary records on file, such as ACT, SAT, ASSET or COMPASS scores and transcripts from previous colleges, including those associated with dual credit.

Contact Info

Boone/Lincoln Campus/Online: Elijah Hooker | Coming Soon! |
Logan Campus: Brian Carter | 304.896.7375 |
Williamson Campus:  Roger Williamson | 304.236.7003 |
Wyoming Campus/Online:  Cassandra Vance | Coming Soon! |


Student Clubs, Organizations, and Leadership

Student Government Association (SGA)

The Student Government Association (SGA) provides students with the opportunity to represent their peers at Southern, guide college policies, as well as offer activities that drive student engagement and interest.  The SGA is composed of elected representatives, as well as volunteers, who work with a Student Success Advisors and SGA Advisors on each campus to determine events that encourage student participation at the college.  These events may include dances, guest speakers, Red Cross blood drives, game shows, etc.

SGA meetings are held at least once a month during each semester and are open for all students to attend. SGA activities, its election process, and meetings are governed by the Student Government constitution. The SGA also makes recommendations to the campus and college regarding the needs and concerns of the student body.

SGA Offices

Official representative of the student body in affairs pertaining to each campus
Appoints all committees and their chairpersons
Confers with SGA Advisor on a regular basis
Presides over all meetings
Performs other duties as pertinent to the position
Assists with the coordination and implementation of student activities
Students may occupy this office and the Student Representative to the Board of Governors or the State Council of Students Representative
Proposed 2024-2025 Stipend:  $1500

Vice President
Assumes all responsibilities and powers of the office of the president and becomes the president should a vacancy occur
Assist in the preparation of the agenda of all matters to come before the SGA at regular meetings
Public relations person for the campus SGA.
Performs other duties as pertinent to the position
Assists with the coordination and implementation of student activities
Students may occupy this office and the Student Representative to the Board of Governors or the State Council of Students Representative
Proposed 2024-2025 Stipend:  $1200

Record and read minutes at each meeting
Record members present or absent at each minute
Take minutes at each meeting
Ensure proper retention of all SGA records
Perform other duties as assigned by the President
Assists with the coordination and implementation of student activities
Students may occupy this office and the Student Representative to the Board of Governors or the State Council of Students Representative
Proposed 2024-2025 Stipend:  $1200

Keep all records and accounts pertaining to the financial matters of the SGA
Keep a ledger and update it weekly
Give financial report at each meeting
Performs other duties as pertinent to the position
Assists with the coordination and implementation of student activities
Students may occupy this office and the Student Representative to the Board of Governors or the State Council of Students Representative
Proposed 2024-2025  Stipend:  $1200

Campus Senator
Attend all regularly scheduled meetings
Chairs the Campus Activities Board on home campus

Leads the planning, organizing, coordination, and implementation of student activities on home campus
Perform other duties as pertinent to the position
Assists with the coordination and implementation of student activities
Students may occupy this office and the Student Representative to the Board of Governors or the State Council of Students Representative
Proposed 2024-2025 Stipend:  $800

Sophomore Representative
Attend all regularly scheduled meetings
Perform other duties as pertinent to the position
Assists with the coordination and implementation of student activities
Students may occupy this office and the Student Representative to the Board of Governors or the State Council of Students Representative
Proposed 2024-2025 Stipend:  $500

Freshman Representative
Attend all regularly scheduled meetings
Perform other duties as pertinent to the position
Assists with the coordination and implementation of student activities
Students may occupy this office and the Student Representative to the Board of Governors or the State Council of Students Representative
Proposed 2024-2025 Stipend:  $500

Board of Governor’s Representative
Attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the College’s Board of Governors
Serve as the liaison between student government and the Board of Governors
Prepare for Board of Governors meetings by reading agendas and related documentation
If needed, present students’ needs or concerns to the Board of Governors
If needed, present Board of Governors needs or concerns to the student government or the student body
Students may occupy this office and one other office
Proposed 2024-2025 Stipend:  $500

State Council of Students Representative
Attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the State Council of Students
Serve as the liaison between student government and the State Council of Students
Prepare for State Council of Students meetings by reading agendas and related documentation
Students may occupy this office and one other office
Proposed 2024-2025 Stipend:  $500

For those interested in participating in SGA, please contact the following:

All Campuses: Cassandra Vance, SGA Advisor| 304.896.7220 |

Next SGA Meeting:  For the Fall 2024 semester, the SGA will meet on Tuesdays at 4:00pm in the Student Services Conference Room in Building B, Room 204 on the Logan Campus and/or via Microsoft Teams.  Contact the SGA Advisor listed above.

Current SGA Constitution Was Ratified in 2022


RUN FOR SGA OFFICE by completing this form.

Informational Meetings– Candidates for all positions are encouraged to attend a Candidate Information Meeting.  There are two meetings, but you only need to attend one of the meetings.  The first meeting is 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 22, 2024 on Zoom.  The second meeting is 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday April 23, 2024 on Zoom.  The link to both meetings is  All candidates will receive an email with these dates and times.

Candidates’ Forum– Candidates for office will have an opportunity to participate in a “Candidates Forum” where they answer a few questions (no worries, we tell you the questions beforehand!), which is recorded for playback by students.  The Candidates Forum is directly after the Informational Meetings on Zoom.  The link for that meeting is

Student Organizations and Clubs

Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Theta Kappa is a national honor society that recognizes academic achievement of college students and provides opportunities for them to grow as scholars and leaders.  Membership in Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society guarantees you access to benefits that will recognize your outstanding academic accomplishments and provide you with the competitive edge that helps ensure future success.

For more information about Phi Theta Kappa at Southern, contact Chris Ward at

Student Nurses Association, Lambda Chi Nu

The Student Nurses Association is composed of students who have been formally accepted into the nursing program. This organization is designed to promote professionalism and collaboration among nursing students. Lambda Chi Nu:

  • Recognizes outstanding academic accomplishments within the Associate degree program of Nursing
  • Recognizes the development of outstanding clinical nursing qualities
  • Fosters high standards of nursing care
  • Strengthens commitment to the ideals and purposes of the nursing profession
  • Encourages community service

If you would like to learn more about Lambda Chi Nu at Southern, contact Sheliah Elkins at


SkillsUSA is a national membership association serving high school, college and middle school students who are preparing for careers in trade, technical and skilled services occupations, including health occupations, and for further education. SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA helps each student excel.

SkillsUSA offers local, state and national opportunities for students to learn and practice personal, workplace and technical skills. These three components comprise the SkillsUSA framework, a blueprint for career readiness. Local chapters conduct a full program of work and many students also attend a district or state conference. At the SkillsUSA Championships, more than 6,000 students compete in 100 occupational and leadership skill areas each June. These national technical competitions help establish industry standards for job skill training and entry-level workers. SkillsUSA is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as a successful model of employer-driven youth development training.

For more information about SkillsUSA at Southern, contact Roger Williamson at

SkillsUSA website

The National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS) at Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College

The NSLS is the largest leadership honor society in the United States. Our NSLS chapter at Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College was started in 2018. Our local chapter is part of the national organization with 700+ chapters and over 1.4 million members.

Students are selected based on exemplary academic achievement. As of 2024 we have 439 members who have access to:

The NSLS leadership program teaches the interpersonal skills that employers seek to give you an edge in the job market. Hear directly from current members as they share how their experience has changed their life.

If you become a member, some of the other benefits are:

  • Learn from exceptional leaders like former President Barack Obama during exclusive Speaker Broadcasts.
  • Meet new friends and make lifelong connections (on-campus and virtually).
  • Overcome challenges with success coaches shortcutting your way to success.
  • Access to private networking events.

Visit the NSLS website to learn more about and accept your nomination.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Some of the common questions we receive are listed below. If you have any other questions, visit to chat with a team member or email

What do I have to do to become inducted?

Our five-step program takes approximately 12 hours over the course of the semester at your pace.

Is this recognized on campus?

We are a Registered Student Organization (RSO). Our chapter advisors volunteer to serve our organization.  They are…

Darrell Taylor, Chief Student Services Officer

Tim Ooten, Director of Admissions

Dianna Toler, Director of Student Success

Roger Williamson, Student Success Advisor

The Honor Society for the Imaging Sciences, Lambda Nu

Southern has a chapter of Lambda Nu, the honor society for imaging sciences, on campus.  Lambda Nu has three main purposes:

  • Foster academic scholarship at the highest academic levels
  • Promote research and investigation in the radiologic and imaging sciences
  • Recognizes exemplary scholarship

If you would like to learn more about Lambda Nu at Southern, please contact Havilah Adkins at

Lambda Nu website

The Honor Society for the Profession of Respiratory Care, Lambda Beta Society

The purpose of the Lambda Beta Society is to promote achievement of high scholarly standards within the schools and chapters through the encouragement of membership and graduation with honors. Membership benefits and advantages include the recognition of individual achievement and scholarship. Individual achievements are recognized by having their name entered into a permanent “Roll of Excellence”, graduating with honors by displaying a ribbon on their graduation gown during commencement, graduation with honors noted on their official transcripts, wearing and displaying the Lambda Beta insignia, and the right to list honor society membership on their curriculum vitae. In addition to recognizing the achievement of students, Lambda Beta chapters may choose to participate in other activities promoting leadership and scholarship within the profession including social activities (i.e., annual luncheons, recognition dinners, or graduation breakfasts), scholarship fundraising and distribution, as well as special fundraising and research.

For more information about the Lambda Beta Society, please contact Stephanie Daniel at

Lambda Beta Society website

The Gaming Club

The purpose of the Gaming Club at Southern is to meet and play games and have tournaments.  For more information about the Gaming Club, please contact Rick Thompson at

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Collegiate

FBLA Collegiate is dedicated to inspiring and developing the next generation of leaders by preparing members for careers in business and business-related fields. Advisor: Stephanie Mounts

FBLA Collegiate Membership

Any student who is interested in developing their business and leadership skills and is enrolled in at least one course at Southern can join Future Business Leaders of America Collegiate (FBLA Collegiate).

Interested students can join using the chapter portal:–technical-college/register.php

Annual Dues

Annual dues are $20 per member (includes $10 for national dues and $10 for state dues). The membership year is July 1 – June 30.

Membership opportunities:

  • Networking and relationships with the business community
  • Building confidence and character
  • Supporting the local community through service programs
  • Developing career and leadership skills
  • Participating in competitive events and awards
  • Traveling to conferences and other activities

Start a New Club

The following procedures have been developed whereby a group of students may petition for the organization of a club on campus. This procedure will help ensure club development that has the necessary student interest and support at Southern.

The group should first obtain an application for formation from a Student Services Specialist or Director and complete it with the following information: Name of organization, purpose of organization, types and classes of members, election and qualifications of officers and College advisor or sponsor. A petition should be attached, signed by those students desiring recognition as an organization, as well as a copy of the constitution and/or bylaws established for the organization.  You may download an application here.

Application for Formation of Student Club or Organization 2022

The petition is to be submitted to the Student Government Association office (SGA). Following initial review, the petition will be referred to the SGA Advisor by the SGA with a recommendation for approval or non-approval. The SGA Advisor will review the application, petition, and recommendation of the SGA. The SGA Advisor will make a recommendation for approval or non-approval of the application and forward all materials to the Chief Student Services Officer. The Chief Student Services Officer will review the application and associated materials and make a recommendation to the President regarding approval or non-approval for recognition of the petitioning club/organization. The President will have final approval and will notify the club/organization of his/her decision in writing. Official applications for club formation may be obtained from a Student Success Advisor.

All activities of the club/organization must be approved. For activities involving the utilization of facilities both on and off campus, the officers for the club/organization must first contact the campus office responsible for building and grounds.

All financial obligations incurred by a club will become the sole responsibility of that particular organization. Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College will not assume responsibility for financial or other obligations of any club on campus. A club may have its own program of charging membership dues or other necessary fund-raising events to support the financial obligation of that particular club if such dues/membership fees were included in the information submitted with the initial application. The campus advisor/sponsor and the club president must co-sign all checks that expend funds from their organization. Also, they must assume responsibility for all financial obligations incurred by the club they represent.

Group activities that are approved by the membership and not sanctioned by the College relieve the College of any liabilities that may occur during the event. The College cannot assume financial or other responsibility for any vandalism that may be caused by a club/organization activity. This responsibility must be assumed by the club advisor, officers, and club membership.

Student Success Center

The Student Success Center at Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College provides students with the academic support and services needed to be successful in community and technical college education.

The Student Success Center provides students with a one-stop-shop approach where we offer a variety of academic support services in one location so students have convenient access to the services that will help them reach their educational goals.


The Student Success Centers are located on each of our campus locations. Please check the Student Services area on each campus for the room number.

  • Boone/Lincoln
  • Logan
  • Williamson
  • Wyoming


SSConnect logo

Monday – Thursday | 9 AM – 5 PM

You can get one-on-one help online with Admissions, Financial Aid, Advising, Disability Services, and more! Check out our new SSConnect Services with the link below.

Open SSConnect


Learning Studio, Testing, Academic Workshops, Boost Sessions, BRAINFUSE, and Early Alert Program

Learning Studio

Having Difficulty with a Class?

The Learning Studio is a great place to find a tutor who has specific knowledge about the subject you are studying. The Studio provides Academic Support Specialist, Peer Tutors, and Faculty Volunteer Tutors, in a variety of academic subjects to assist students in reaching their career goals.

Some Reasons to Meet with a Tutor

  • When you want to do your best in a course
  • When you are having trouble understanding course material
  • If you find yourself falling behind in your class(s)
  • When you receive low test scores

The Learning Studio offers group tutoring and individual tutoring. Students are encouraged to drop by the studio to receive opportunities to find additional resources to successfully direct and manage individual learning.

Supportive Environment

  • Individual study areas
  • Computer work areas
  • Printer availability
  • Individual and group tutoring areas
  • Informal, supportive atmosphere
  • Accessible accommodations

Free Tutoring Services are available via zoom. If you want to schedule a date/time, please send an email to

Online Tutoring

Southern also provides all students with access to BRAINFUSE, an online tutoring program that allows students to receive “live tutoring” through chat. BRAINFUSE can be accessed, mostly 24 hours a day 7 days a week, with only a few exceptions.  Tutoring services are offered in the following Subjects/Topics: Business (Accounting, Economics, Finance); Computer and Technology (Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Windows); Nursing and Allied Health (Allied Health Essay Review, Care Plans, Emergency Care, Medical Assisting, Medical-Surgery, Nursing Administration, Oncology, Pharmacology, Women’s Health); English (College Reading, Writing); Science (Anatomy and Physiology, Biology, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physics); Math (Calculus, College Algebra, Geometry, Liberal Arts Math, Pre-Algebra, Precalculus, Statistics, Trigonometry).

If you prefer to use email, then you also can send a pic, file, etc. of what you are needing help with to or

There is an Adult Learning Center that has “live” one-on-one academic coaching, practice test center, and online resources in the following: High School Equivalency (GED); Prepare for the US Citizenship Test; Microsoft Office Help; Career Resources, and Write a Winning Resume.

Southern students can log onto BRAINFUSE through their Brightspace account.  All students have a Brightspace account whether they have online classes or not.  Students can follow these simple steps to log into BRAINFUSE:

  1. Click on Online Classes in the header at the top of the website.
  2. Sign in with your Brightspace credentials (first part of your email address, Do not add the
  3. The BRAINFUSE link is at the bottom right of your course homepage.

Want to be a Tutor?

The Learning Studio provides opportunities for student to be hired as peer tutors. Students who are interested, please contact for further information.

Minimum requirements include:

  • Have a final grade of B or better in the course interested in tutoring
  • Faculty recommendation
  • A cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better

ACCUPLACER & Testing Services

Any new student admitted to Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College who has not taken the ACT or SAT will be required to take the ACCUPLACER placement tests in Reading, English and Mathematics prior to registering for classes.

The ACCUPLACER is not “pass” or “fail” however, it is important to do your best for an accurate measure of your academic skills.

Students MUST have the following to be admitted to the testing center for ACCUPLACER testing

Day of Testing

  • Bring a photo ID
  • Southern Admissions Application completed
  • Bring your Southern student ID
  • No calculators permitted

Early Alert Program

Through the Early Alert program, students at risk are identified early each semester by faculty. The program provides customized services and connects students to additional support services.

Our goal is to retain and empower the high-risk students to become successful learners. The Student Success Center Coordinator and/or Student Success Advisor will contact student(s) to discuss issues that may require attention and resources to support them.


  • Supports a “team approach” in student retention and persistence.
  • Creates an online forum for Student Success Center Coordinator, Student Success Advisors, faculty, and student to work together
  • Provides additional opportunities for meaningful interactions with students
  • Easy online accessibility supports multiple campuses and online classes
  • Tracks and records early alerts and provides selected updates to the faculty throughout the process
  • Creates detailed reports at any point during the year

The Early Alert Process

  1. Instructor identifies students who are having difficulty in class due to any of the following: attendance, excessive absences, tardiness, low test and/or quiz scores, personal concern, or other.
  2. Notification is sent by the instructor through the Early Alert System
  3. An email is automatically sent to the Student Success Center Coordinator.
  4. Student Success Center Coordinator/Student Success Advisor contacts student and addresses the issue.
  5. Student Success Center Coordinator/Student Success Advisor updates faculty on the status of the early alert via email.


Hattie Newsome

Student Success Center Coordinator
Fax: 304-792-7113

Counseling Services

Student Success Advisors are available on each campus to assist students who need help in dealing with personal difficulties. Referral services may be provided to currently enrolled students.

Counseling assistance and information concerning substance abuse and its treatment may be obtained from student services personnel at each of the college’s campuses. Services are also available from the following agencies:

  • Mountain Laurel Integrated Healthcare (formerly Logan-Mingo Area Mental Health): (304) 792-7130 (Logan County)
  • Mountain Laurel Integrated Healthcare (formerly Logan-Mingo Area Mental Health): (304) 235-2954 (Mingo County)
  • Family Service of Kanawha County: 922 Quarrier Street, Charleston, WV 25301 | (304) 340-3676
  • Suicide Prevention Information (Jamie’s Law)

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Learn more about resources available on our Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention page.

Drug and Alcohol Policy

Use of Alcoholic Beverages on Campus Policy.

WV DoHS – TANF College Program

The primary goal of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program is to help students successfully navigate the enrollment process, find and select an appropriate higher education academic program and to offer ongoing support to the TANF students.  The secondary goal is to help students make a successful transition into the workforce and/or continued post-secondary education.

What Services do we offer?

  • One-on-one assistance to students
  • Personalized academic advising and planning
  • Career assessment
  • Careel counseling, advising, registration and mentoring
  • Tutoring services
  • FAFSA assistance
  • Linkage and referrals
  • Case management services
  • Assistance with DoHS monthly timesheets

How to Qualify for TANF Program

Student must receive WV Works and SNAP benefits.

To become a participant, meet with Southern’s TANF Student Success Advisor and/or DoHS Family Support Specialist.

Services available on the following campuses

  • Boone/Lincoln
  • Logan
  • Williamson
  • Wyoming

For more information, contact our Student Success Advisor for the TANF program

Logan campus:

Michele Moore – 304.896.7660 or

Williamson campus:

Cheryl Thacker – 304.235.7654.

Services provided by a grant from the West Virginia Department of Human Services, Bureau of Family Assistance.



Veterans’ Assistance

Southern would like to thank you for your service to our nation. As you consider your future, we are here to help you successfully pursue your educational endeavors. Whether you are actively serving in the military, or you are in the reserves, a veteran, or a dependent, we are very proud that you are considering Southern and we look forward to assisting you while you further your education.

For benefits information, contact a Teri Wells at or 304-896-7443.

To schedule classes contact a Student Services Specialist on any campus.

Student Success Advisors

VA Benefit Information

Chapter 30: Montgomery G.I. Bill®

This is the most common VA education program. There are four eligibility categories with the most common being those individuals who entered active duty on or after July 1, 1985 and contributed $100.00 a month for 12 months and have an honorable discharge.

Chapter 33: Post- 9/11 G.I. Bill®

The Post-9/11 is an education benefit program for individuals who served on active duty for at least 90 days of aggregate service on or after September 11, 2001 or were discharged with a service-related disability after 30 continuous days. Under the new chapter, effective August 1, 2009, eligible participants (veterans, service members and dependents) pursuing a VA approved training program may receive the following benefits at a percentage based on the length of active duty service:

  • Cost of tuition and fees, not to exceed the most expensive in-state undergraduate tuition at a public institution of higher education (paid directly to the school). If the veteran or dependent is eligible at the 100% level, then full tuition and fees are covered. If the veteran or dependent is eligible at less than the 100% rate, then the VA will only pay that percentage of resident (not non-resident) tuition and fees.
  • Monthly housing allowance equal to the basic allowance for housing payable to a military E-5 with dependents, in the same zip code as the primary school (paid directly to the service member, veteran or dependent); and
  • Yearly books and supplies stipend of up to $1000 per year (paid directly to the service member, veteran or dependent).

Note: In Logan County, full BAH (Basic Allowance for Housing) is set at $1095.00 dollars per month, as of 2015.

Yellow Ribbon Program

Yellow Ribbon Program was designed to offset tuition balances accrued for out of state tuition fees or Private College’s tuition cost while using the Post- 9/11 Benefit.  Since the Federal Government has declared that all colleges give in state tuition to Veterans and Southern’s tuition is the lowest in the state, the Yellow Ribbon Program is unneeded here at Southern.

Chapter 35: Survivors and Dependents Educational Assistance Program

The program is for dependents or spouses of veterans who have died or are totally and permanently disabled as the result of a service connected disability or died while evaluated as having a total and permanent disability, or dependents or spouse of a person who is listed as a POW or MIA.

  • Since the VA can take up to 8 weeks in order to process educational benefits, it is highly recommended that you fill out a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the current year at the FAFSA site. Keep in mind that you cannot be considered for any grants, scholarships or loans without completing a FAFSA.
  • If you change major, be sure you see the VA Certifying Official to ensure proper paper work is filed, to keep your benefits.  

Useful Links

Below are some useful links to provide information.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at”

Voter Registration

Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College, as a participant in Federal Title IV Student Aid programs, is required to advise you that voter registration forms for West Virginia are available at the website of the Secretary of State. (Select the “Register to Vote” link). In addition to voter registration forms, other information related to voting in West Virginia is available at this website.

Visit the Student Services Specialist on your local campus to obtain voter registration forms.

Constitution Day

Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College participates in educational activities in honor of Constitution Day during the week of September 17 of each year. This year, the Student Services staff distributed pocket constitutions to students.

Learn more about Constitution Day here.