Information and resources regarding SWVCTC and the COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Mental Health Wellness

Mental health wellness plays a vital role in the success and well-being of our students and the communities we serve.  We, at Southern, would like to increase awareness of the challenges our families, friends and neighbors often face.  Whether it’s through early detection, healthy habits, or connecting our students to dedicated mental health professionals, we stand with you, Southern Strong.

Just as we strive to maintain our physical health, attention to our mental health can be a crucial element in our overall well-being.  Whether it’s our daily stresses, the condition of our bodies, or unpredictable losses and setbacks, we all face events in life that affect our mental state.  While mental health can include diagnosable conditions, it also includes the day-to-day activities we can engage in to keep us healthy.

At Southern, the mental health of our students and community remains a high priority.  Despite the challenges that affect our area and the families that call southern West Virginia home, it is our goal to continue to foster a supportive environment that nurtures not only academic success but holistic health and well-being in life.

Please take a moment to complete our Mental Health Survey.  Every effort will be made to keep the results of this survey both private and anonymous.  Results of the survey will be reported in aggregate.  You will have the option to be contacted by email with mental health resource information at your request.



In an effort to bring an often stigmatized topic to light, we’d like to introduce our Mental Health Wellness webpage to inform our community of the resources available in our area.  Regardless of the challenges you may be facing with your mental health, we want to remind you that you are not alone and help is available.  Together, we can be Southern strong.


Contacts and Resources:

Southern WV Comm. & Tech. College – Student Services: (304) 896-7723


Southern WVCTC Collegiate Recovery – Aaron Blankenship, PRSS: (304) 896-7308


Logan County Prevention Coalition – Sharon Mulcahy/Shannon Southerland: (304) 239-4193


Mountain Laurel Integrated Healthcare: (304) 792-7130


988 Lifeline – Suicide & Crisis Lifeline:  Call or Text 988