Information and resources regarding SWVCTC and the COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
SWVCTC Alert: Southern will remain closed the rest of the week due to devastating flooding and recovery efforts. Please prioritize your safety and well-being.

2015-2025 Campus Master Facilities Plan

Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College embarked upon a campus master planning process in the Fall of 2013 to establish a framework for the orderly development of all capital improvements that support the mission, vision, values, and strategic initiatives of the College.

The successful master planning process included a comprehensive look at the physical environment of the multiple campuses and how that environment helps the College succeed in its educational mission.  The Ten-year Facilities Master Plan was prepared with support and input from the faculty, staff, students, and administration, as well as the local community of each campus.  The outcome of this process is a realistic strategy to guide the development of Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College in a manner that supports its priorities and mission.

View the final document (prepared by ZMM, Inc.)